Welcome to the Projects page of Morsel Research and Development Pvt Ltd. Here, you can explore our diverse range of research and development projects, each designed to provide innovative solutions and insights. From large-scale surveys to targeted market studies, our projects demonstrate our commitment to excellence, data-driven decision-making, and impactful results. Discover how we bring research to life and drive meaningful change.
Vulnerable Children of Maharashtra A Report on the Status of Children Orphaned by COVID – 19
Researchers contacted all CWCs (Child Welfare Committees) and DCPUs (District Child Protection Units) across all 36 districts of Maharashtra. However, not all CWC sand DCPUs agreed to be interviewed and the available percentage reflects the numbers that agreed to speak.…
Location: Maharashtra
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The great equalizer: Inequality in tribal energy access and policies to address it
In this paper, researchers explored two questions: what are the causes of in equality in electricity access? And can government policies reduce in equality? We focus on one particular set of causes of inequality: social cleavages. By social cleavages, we…
Location: Jharkhand
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The spatial and economic footprint of the coal industry on rural livelihoods in Jharkhand, India
SetuPelz (Research Scholar) , AlexandraKrumm (B.Sc. Industrial Engineering) , MichaëlAklin (ssociate professor of economics) , VagishaNandan (State Programme Coordinator) , and JohannesUrpelainen (Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Professor of Energy, Resources and Environment)
PIs selected Households living within 5 to 20 KMs from the active coal mine. The surveys were conducted over the phone by Morsel due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire covered aspects of employment, subjective assessments of the importance of…
Location: Jharkhand
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Barriers to Mobile Phone Usage amongst Rural Women
Vidya Vemireddy (Assistant Professor of Centre for Management in Agriculture from IIMA )
Under the Bharat Inclusion Research and Learning Grant at IIMA researchers surveyed individuals in rural areas of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh states of India. The objective of our study was to understand financial inclusion and information seeking behaviour of…
Location: Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh
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Impact of modern retail linkages of producer organizations on adoption of farm management practices and resilience of farmer
Morsel conducted primary surveys of over 650 farmers completed as of December 2021 in Maharashtra, India. The primary objective of the study was to understand their cultivation practices, the dynamics encountered during sale of produce, on-farm practices and issues faced…
Location: Maharashtra
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Financial inclusion of women during the pandemic: The role of Jhan Dhan accounts and cash transfer
Data was collected from 3 sets of respondents: women respondents, BC respondents and FI respondents between the month of March 2022 to May 2022.Morsel had translated the questionnaires in Kannada, Odia, Hindi and Punjabi, digitised them, provided in-house training to…
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Social Accountability And Healthcare Delivery
Manoj Mohanan (Associate Professor of Public Policy from Duke University ) , Vikram Rajan ( from World Bank ) , and Harsha Thirumurthy (Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy from UNC )
Social Accountability (SA) has received considerable global attention as a potential model to improve delivery of services and resulting population outcomes, particularly in health. SA encompasses a set of governance interventions aimed at increasing community participation and strengthening community members’…
Location: Sultanpur and Fatehpur
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COVID – 19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Women in Delhi
The research organization chosen Delhi as the site of study. According to the data drawn from the Co Win portal, 954 women were vaccinated for every 1,000 men in India. The corresponding gender gap in vaccination rates among metro cities…
Location: Delhi
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Improving Children Health and Cognition: Evidence from School-Based Nutrition Intervention in India
Sebastian Vollmer (Assitant professor from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen ) , Marion Krämer , and Santosh Kumar (Associate Professor)
We present experimental evidence on the impact of delivering double-fortified salt (DFS), salt fortified with iron and iodine, through the Indian school-feeding program called “mid-day meal” on anemia, cognition, and math and reading outcomes of primary school children. We conducted…
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Willingness to pay and the role of informational and supply-side constraints
Dr. Britta Augsburg (IFS) (Associate Director) , Alex Armand, , and Antonella Bancalari (IFS)
While urbanization can bring benefits for economic, cultural and societal development, a rapid pace of urbanization can create enormous challenges. However, cities in low and middle-income countries, in particular, are struggling to keep up with necessary infrastructure investment especially on…
Location: Lucknow and Kanpur cities of Uttar Pradesh
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Prevalence of COVID-19 In Urban Areas in India
Anup Malani (Economist and a law professor from University of Chicago ) , and Manoj Mohanan ( from Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University and Government of Karnataka )
The second wave of COVID-19 pandemic was catastrophic in India. Outbreaks have spread faster than the scaling up of testing, tracing, isolation and all other public health efforts. Serosurveys are an important tool in helping us figure out how far…
Location: Bangalore
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Impact of the covid-19 pandemic lockdown on Livelihood, Food Security, and Hygiene practices in Jharkhand, India
The Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP) and Morsel have been engaged in conducting a phone survey in Jharkhand to assess the impact of lockdown on individuals’ livelihood, food security, and hygiene practices. Started in 2020, the phone survey which…
Location: Jharkhand
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