Renewable Energy and Environment Projects

Public Attitudes on Climate Change
Public Attitudes on Climate Change

Nikhar Gaikwad (Assistant Professor from Columbia University ) , and Noah Zucker (Assistant Professor from London School of Economics )

This climate change project,  is designed to investigate public attitudes and behaviors critical societal and environmental issues, particularly climate change. The study aims to understand how individuals weigh local needs, such as infrastructure development, against broader global concerns like climate…

Location: Maharashtra and Rajasthan

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Targeting Agricultural Electricity Subsidies in Haryana
Targeting Agricultural Electricity Subsidies in Haryana

Anjal Viswamohanan (Director) , Shruti Sharma ( lead in IISD’s Energy program and the India Project Coordinator) , Michaël Aklin (Associate professor) , and Tom Moernhout (Associate professor)

PIs drew a representative sample of 1,600 farmers from adult landholders in Haryana viastratified random sampling. A self-weighted sample was created by randomly selecting villages from all 22 districts of Haryana. In total, 200 villages were selected, and eight farmers…

Location: Harayana

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Using high – frequency household surveys to describe energy use in rural North India during the COVID – 19 pandemic
Using high – frequency household surveys to describe energy use in rural North India during the COVID – 19 pandemic

Surveys were designed to be relatively rapid—between 10 and 15minutes(Jharkhand) and 5 and 10minutes (Bihar).Survey questions focused on household lighting and cooking, the costs and accessibility of modern fuels and the reasons that households reported using fuels as they did…

Location: Uttar Pradesh , Bihar and Jharkhand

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The great equalizer: Inequality in tribal energy access and policies to address it
The great equalizer: Inequality in tribal energy access and policies to address it

In this paper, researchers explored two questions: what are the causes of in equality in electricity access? And can government policies reduce in equality? We focus on one particular set of causes of inequality: social cleavages. By social cleavages, we…

Location: Jharkhand

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Energy demand assessment
Energy demand assessment

Funded by GSES India Sustainable Energy Pvt. Ltd in this project Morsel is trying to get a sense of energy demand in two villages in Uttar Pradesh. This project is being monitored by Smart Power for Rural Development India Foundation.

Location: Uttar Pradesh

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Understanding the Enterprise Energy Ecosystem
Understanding the Enterprise Energy Ecosystem

Selco foundation undertook a research project on understanding the enterprise energy ecosystem in the Kheri and Pilibhit districts in UP and Kalahandi and Koraput in Orissa. Selco wanted to understand the uses of energy in the areas near the forest. MORSEL conducted Focus Group Discussion…

Location: Kheri and Pilibhit districts in UP and Kalahandi and Koraput in Odisha

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Electricity Supply Monitoring Initiative
Electricity Supply Monitoring Initiative

Low voltage, frequent interruptions, and load shedding is a concern for electricity consumers in India. This may require them to invest in alternative power sources and voltage stabilizers or suffer the loss of productivity and inconvenience. Moreover, reliable data about…

Location: Uttar Pradesh

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Promoting Solar Lighting In Rural India: From Local Needs To Public Policy
Promoting Solar Lighting In Rural India: From Local Needs To Public Policy

This survey tested local need of solar light. Political Scientist, Johannes Urpelainen Professor Johns Hopkins University, tested that whether the positive sight of solar lamps can impact lives or not. For this purpose, the researcher took a sample of 400 households (after house…

Location: Uttar Pradesh

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Here Comes the Sun: Residential Consumers’ Experience with Rooftop Solar PV in Five Indian Cities
Here Comes the Sun: Residential Consumers’ Experience with Rooftop Solar PV in Five Indian Cities

Morsel captured the data through household surveys across five Indian cities. The study is an attempt to understand the challenges faced by residential consumers at various stages of their decision pertaining to the installation of rooftop solar PV systems. Addressing…

Location: Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Jaipur, Nagpur

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Solar energy impact on Kerosene uses in India
Solar energy impact on Kerosene uses in India

Johannes Urpelainen ( Professor of Energy, Resources and Environment from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, ) , and S.P. Harish (Assistant Professor from College of William & Mary )

Many households in India, especially in rural areas, use kerosene for their lighting needs. They prefer to use kerosene despite it being identified as a health hazard and cleaner alternatives available in their locality. A key stumbling block to the…

Location: Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh

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Electricity Consumers and Compliance: Trust, Reciprocity, and Socio-economic Factors in Uttar Pradesh
Electricity Consumers and Compliance: Trust, Reciprocity, and Socio-economic Factors in Uttar Pradesh

Karthik Ganesan (Research Fellow from CEEW ) , Kapardhi Bharadwaj (Program Associate from CEEW ) , Kanika Balani (Research Analyst from CEEW ) , and Johannes Urpelainen (Professor of Energy, Resources and Environment from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies )

Under Saubhagya scheme, Uttar Pradesh added the largest number of households to its existing consumer base – as many new consumers as served by state distribution companies (discoms) before the launch of the scheme. Household consumption significantly impacts the overall…

Location: Uttar Pradesh

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Access To Clean Cooking Energy And Electricity (2015 & 2018)
Access To Clean Cooking Energy And Electricity (2015 & 2018)

This project was funded by Shakti Foundation and Columbia University. Council on Energy, Environment and Water is also a partner of the project. This project aimed to collect household information on energy and fuel usage and equipment. For this, MORSEL selected households (HHS) by using PPS design…

Location: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal

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