Improving Accountability in Electricity Supply: A Field Experiment in Rural India

Improving Accountability in Electricity Supply: A Field Experiment in Rural India

MORSEL conducted a study to investigate whether information and citizen empowerment can improve participatory governance and in the long run quality of electricity supply in rural India. This project is directed by Brian Blankenship, Johannes Urpelainen and Jason Wong. This project consists sample size of 12 villages of roughly equal size where meters were installed with the help of Prayas NGO, which monitored the electricity supply in each village- namely, how many hours of service there were on a given day and the number of the outage. In this study, MORSEL asked respondents about their confidence in government, their perceptions, of government responsiveness to their concerns, and their satisfaction with their electricity supply. The study includes both conventional survey experiments and conjoint experiments on valuation of electricity supply.

Location: Sitapur district of Uttar Pradesh


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