Impact of modern retail linkages of producer organizations on adoption of farm management practices and resilience of farmer

Impact of modern retail linkages of producer organizations on adoption of farm management practices and resilience of farmer

Morsel conducted primary surveys of over 650 farmers completed as of December 2021 in Maharashtra, India. The primary objective of the study was to understand their cultivation practices, the dynamics encountered during sale of produce, on-farm practices and issues faced in post-harvest phase of farmers in the area. Researchers included both member and non-members of Indian Farmer Producer Organization (FPOs)in the study. Government is promoting FPOs both under state patronage as well as through international donors, such as the World Bank-backed Maharashtra Agricultural Competitiveness Project (MACP).The state government helps operate farmers markets that include farmer cooperatives, FPOs, and producer companies. The Maharashtra State Agriculture Marketing Board (MSAMB)operates over 31 farmers markets, and the state plans to operate more than 100 in the future.

Location: Maharashtra

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