Financial inclusion of women during the pandemic: The role of Jhan Dhan accounts and cash transfer

Financial inclusion of women during the pandemic: The role of Jhan Dhan accounts and cash transfer

Data was collected from 3 sets of respondents: women respondents, BC respondents and FI respondents between the month of March 2022 to May 2022.Morsel had translated the questionnaires in Kannada, Odia, Hindi and Punjabi, digitised them, provided in-house training to the enumerators and there after conducted the survey to record the data. There were three components of the survey:-

1.Women survey

2.BC members survey

3.Fis survey

.Survey of women respondents: 560 women respondents were surveyed. Researchers chosen study areas based on the Crisil Inclusix, 2018, which isan index prepared by Crisil to measure the extent of financial inclusion in Indiaacross 666 districts. While 2 districts (Shravasti, UP and Malkangiri, Odisha)were chosen from the bottom 50, 2 districts (Rupnagar, Punjab and Shimoga, Karnataka) were chosen from the top 50.2.Survey of BC respondents: 17 BC respondents were surveyed for conducting the Study. They were chosen from the same Surveyed Districts from which women respondents were surveyed. Similar to women respondents, the BC respondents belonged to one block of each district and were chosen based on convenience. The majority of the BC respondents, i.e., 14, were males.3.Survey of FI respondents: 23 FIs were surveyed for conducting the Study. Itincluded 10 PSBs, 10 PvSBs. Payment banks and SFBs were also sought to be surveyed given their important role in promoting financial inclusion. However, only 2 payment banks and 1 SFB responded. The 10 PSBs and 10PvSBs were chosen from the list of FIs that had opened the highest number of PMJDY accounts as on 30 March 2022 and as available on the website of DFS, Ministry of Finance.

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