Financial Capabilities of Rural Low-Income Households in India

Financial Capabilities of Rural Low-Income Households in India

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GIZ and NABARD have been cooperating in the programme to strengthen the management and operation of Short-Term Cooperative Credit Structure (CCS), to promote access to financial services of self-help group (SHG) members and to enhance Financial Inclusion through Business Correspondents (BCs) in rural areas in India

Microfinance Opportunities (MFO), a US-based NGO, has developed the Financial Capability Index – a methodology to assess the financial capabilities of communities through their own definitions. Jointly the GIZ , NABARD , and MFO feel the need to assess the capabilities of the target group of rural financial services especially among the low income and low literate households in order to use financial services in a beneficial way. MORSEL collected data from 4 States of India namely, Orrisa, Karnataka, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan, which was based on Financial Capability Index.

Location: Orrisa, Karnataka, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan

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